Program: De norte a norte Seven Madrigals by Vic Nees for a cappella choir based in poems by Guido Gezelle. Lau Haizetara by Josep Vila i Casañas. Fantasy for piano and choir inspired i traditional melodies from the Basque Country. Jorge Otero, piano Josep Vila i Casañas, conductor

Program: Three Spanish portraits: The Golden Century, the music of today & a dialog with the New World Works by Francisco Guerrero, Tomás Luís de Victoria, Mariona Vila, Josep Lluís Guzmán, Josep Vila i Casañas, Juan Manuel Conejo, Isaac Albéniz, Beatriz Corona, Xavier Montsalvatge, Alberto Ginastera and Carlos Guastavino. Mårten Landström, piano Josep Vila i […]

Program: Tríptico. Works by Ēriks Ešenvalds, Xavier Montsalvatge, Max Reger, Gioachino Rossini, Gabriel Fauré, Benjamin Britten, Josep Vila i Casañas, Claude Debussy, Vaclovas Augustinas and Béla Bartók. Karina Azizova, piano Josep Vila i Casañas, conductor

Laia Frigolé and Lorena García, sopranos.  Hugo Bolívar, countertenor. David Hernández, tenor. Albert Bosch, tiorba. Daniel Regincós, cello. Josep Vila i Casañas, organ and musical direction. Works by Francesc Soler,  chorus master in the Girona Cathedral between 1682 and 1688.

Organised by the Catalan Choral Federation (FCEC) and the Catalan Children Choir Association SCIC). The teacher’s team will be integrated by Elisenda Carrasco, Jordi Lluch, Pere Lluís Biosca and Josep Vila i Casañas. Josep Vila will be teaching the advanced level. The students will practise in front of the Bruckner Choir from Barcelona. It’s chorus master […]

Program Essències. A journey through the most representative repertoires in the history of this ensemble. Works by Johannes Brahms, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Josef Rheinberger, Alfred Desenclos, Maurice Duruflé, Manuel Oltra, Josep Sancho Marraco, Enric Morera, Carles Santos, Johann Sebastian Bach, Jordi Domènech, Josep Vila i Casañas, Herbert Howells and Josep Ollé i Sabaté.

Program Essències. A journey through the most representative repertoires in the history of this ensemble. Works by Johannes Brahms, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Josef Rheinberger, Alfred Desenclos, Maurice Duruflé, Manuel Oltra, Josep Sancho Marraco, Enric Morera, Carles Santos, Johann Sebastian Bach, Jordi Domènech, Josep Vila i Casañas, Herbert Howells and Josep Ollé i Sabaté.

Program Essències. A journey through the most representative repertoires in the history of this ensemble. Works by Johannes Brahms, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Josef Rheinberger, Alfred Desenclos, Maurice Duruflé, Manuel Oltra, Josep Sancho Marraco, Enric Morera, Carles Santos, Johann Sebastian Bach, Jordi Domènech, Josep Vila i Casañas, Herbert Howells and Josep Ollé i Sabaté.