Second edition of this concert organized by the Association El Messies Participatiu de Barcelona in which more than 400 voices share the interpretation of one of the leading oaths of western musical heritage. Performers: Irene Mas, soprano. Anna Alàs, contralt. José Pizarro, tenor. Elias Benito, Low. Orquestra Vespres de Arnadí. Chamber Choir of Granollers. The […]

Here is the summer choral conducting course with the longest tradition in Austria. Founded by Erwin Ortner (conductor of the Arnold Schoenberg Chor) and currently led by Johannes Prinz (choir conductor of the Vienna Musikverein). For the third consecutive year, Josep Vila i Casañas will teach the higher level, which has always had a foreign […]

Organized jointly by the SCIC and the FCEC, the course offers two levels focused on the conduction of mixed choir and one level focused on the conduction of children’s choir. The three groups will have daily pilot choir and pianist and first level teachers such as Elisenda Carrasco, Josep Vila i Casañas, Pere Lluís Biosca […]

The World Youth Choir celebrates its 30th anniversary this year with a concert tour in France and Portugal. Josep Vila i Casañas will conduct for the second time (he already did it in 2010 accompanied by the Norwegian Ragnar Rasmussen) this magnificent choir. The 60 singers that will be part of it on this occasion […]

Maestro Josep Vila i Casañas will give on May 11 and 12 a choral workshop in morning and afternoon sessions for choir directors and singers, music students, teachers and music teachers in educational centers and general interested people with a average level of musical reading and / or choral experience. The Orfeón Burgalés closes the […]

Cor de l’Auditori Enric Granados (Xavier Puig, director titular) Olvido Lanza, violí Feliu Gasull, guitarra Josep Vila i Casañas, guest conductor Obres de Xavier Sans, Bernat Vivancos, Josep Vila i Casañas i Feliu Gasull El Cor de Cambra de l’Auditori Enric Granados va ser fundat l’any 1997. Manel Valdivieso en fou el primer director i comptà […]